Dream World

4 February 2018

What a fun day! Last Fall I was talking to Wat about roller coasters and it turns out we both love them. He told me there’s a park here in Bangkok called Dream World. Soooo… I decided we needed to go. We went on Wat’s birthday and he knew that locals get a discount but what we did not know is that if you go on your birthday, you get in FREE! How cool is that?! I was so shocked when we got out of the car and all I could hear was polka music! I loved it but it was so bizarre. I mean, it’s ASIA! My German heritage had me singing and dancing around like a crazy person. I tried to show Wat how to polka. It was too funny. After spending the day there I still have no idea why the polka music wafted through the air all day because I could not see any reason for the German/Polish connection. It’s a beautiful park. Good rides, great landscaping, and very clean. It was also great because it was not crowded. I loved the fact that we only had to wait through one cycle to ride the main coaster. It was a decent coaster… it was a suspension coaster. I always fear that my long legs will hit something and even more so in Asia. LOL No inversions but still a lot of fun.

Snow Town was certainly our favorite thing! As you can see in the pix on Facebook, the coat did NOT fit. The sleeves nearly fit and I managed to sort of get the front to close… thank goodness for Velcro! HA Although… when I sat on the “sled” and had to scrunch up my legs I had to open the coat to be able to breathe! LOL It was quite a lot of fun seeing adults and kids having so much fun with the snow.

We rode Grand Canyon which is one of the water rides where about eight people are in a round raft shooting the rapids. We bought the dry cleaner bag rain gear but still managed to get pretty soaked! HA

It was a fun day and the Birthday Boy loved it.

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